Gubener Straße 45      10243 Berlin - Friedrichshain      030-29350461

The Selfish Crocodile

a tropical story with animals -
Based on the childrens‘ book by Faustin Charles

Puppet theatre show for children age 3 or older

Every morning a very large crocodile shouts this selfish message: "Stay away from my river! If you come in, I‘ll eat you all!"

The animals in the forest don‘t know what to do. They are too afraid.

Until one day...

Look at the story and discover how the animals find a way to solve this snappy dilemma!

Book: Faustin Charles - Realisation: Evelyn Geller
Performed by Evelyn Geller
Director: Katja Behunek-Pölzer
Puppets: Judith Mähler
Stage: Judith Mähler / Katja Kriegenburg
Technician: Dimitrios Kapogiannis